Digital Collections
There are various ways to access digital resources from your local library. Click each icon below to visit the site!
Libby from Appalachian Regional Library (formerly Overdrive)
Appalachian Regional Library provides eBooks, magazines, and audiobooks through Libby's website, accessible from any web browser. If you're
on your mobile device, click here to download the app for your Apple or Android device.
Libby from Northwestern Regional Library
A special partnership with our neighboring Northwestern Regional Library system (Alleghany, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin counties) makes available downloadable eBooks and audiobooks from that library system for cardholders of Appalachian Regional Library (Ashe, Watauga, and Wilkes counties). Click above to access these collections; sign in with your library card number as an Appalachian Regional Library user.
NCKids Digital Library
NC Kids Digital Library offers e-books, audiobooks, streaming videos, and Read-Alongs. This collection was specifically designed for Pre-K through 4th grade students.
NC Kids Digital Library is sponsored by NCPLDA: NC Public Library Directors Association, NCGA: NC General Assembly, with assistance from the State Library of North Carolina and supported by an IMLS federal LSTA grant.
NCKids Level Up Digital Library
NC Kids Level Up Digital Library offers e-books, audiobooks, streaming videos, and Read-Alongs for 4th-8th grade students.
Kanopy is the best video streaming service for quality, thoughtful entertainment. Find movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films and educational videos that inspire, enrich and entertain. Cardholders also have access to Kanopy Kids, a collection of films and TV series selected for children. Kanopy and Kanopy Kids are only available to patrons of Ashe County Public Library.
NC Live can be accessed anywhere you have an internet connection, from within our libraries, at home or on your mobile devices. All you need is your FREE Appalachian Regional Library card number! (If you don't have one yet, stop by soon.)
With content and indexing from more than 50,000 newspapers, journals, magazines, encyclopedias, ebooks, e-audio, and streaming video titles, NC Live offers users the highest quality, most authoritative, subscription resources in the information marketplace. Students, faculty, and staff from any of North Carolina's community colleges, independent colleges and universities, and public universities, as well as patrons from the state's public libraries can access all of NC Live's content at no cost.
Tech Help Sessions - "Book a Librarian" 
Library Staff Members are available to you for one-on-one help in downloading eBooks, audiobooks, and more to your tablet, smart phone, or other device. Call or stop by the Reference Desk of your library to set up an appointment time!
Digital Watauga
Connect to our local history by accessing Watauga County’s historical images, documents, and other materials.
Visit the Digital Watauga website for online digital collections of the High Country's archival memories, including the work of late local photographers such as Palmer Blair and George Flowers.
We provide access to Ancestry Library and their wonderful genealogy resources on-site at all Appalachian Regional Library locations. You must be in the building to access this resource via any device with internet connectivity.